Elizabeth Morin at the presentation of The Thirsty Valley production by Theatre of Will at the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power.
November 11, 2008
Congratulations to the Museum Community of the San Fernando Valley. The Museum of the San Fernando Valley has received notice that our application for exemption of Federal Income Tax under section 501 (c) (3), has been granted retroactive to February 25, 2005.
Your Museum may now receive tax-deductible bequests, devises, transfers or gifts under sections 2055, 2106 or 2522 for the code. The Museum of the San Fernando Valley has been designated by the United States Department of the Treasury as a non-profit charity.
California Non-Profit Corporation # 2795694
Federal 501 (c) (3) number: 17053-240-343028
Federal Employee Identification Number EIN 26-1292402
Incorporated 07/25/05
Thank you, for all of the efforts made to accomplish our tax exempt status.
Gerald Fecht
President The Museum of The San Fernando Valley
The San Fernando Valley, in the heart of the Creative Capitol of the World, deserves a great Museum of history and culture.
A big hurdle! Kudos... esp. to all who worked so hard on this task.
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