Early 20th Century Orange Grove in Southern California
Historic Post Card Collection
The Museum of the San Fernando Valley
Gift of Gary Fredburg - Spring 2007
Here's a special message from our Museum Advisor, John Bwarie.
It's time for Citrus Sunday again in the Valley. On Sunday, May 6,
2007, join with neighbors from across the Valley in providing fresh fruit
for those who are in need. This is a community-wide effort, and we need
your help. Perhaps you know a neighbor or friend who you could tell
about the project? Perhaps your school, organization, or workplace wants
to participate as a group and do an independent collection in
conjunction with Citrus Sunday? Spread the word, and join in Citrus Sunday!
This year's event is even easier than last year, with two easy ways to
1. Collect fruit from your own trees and deliver them to one of the 13
drop-off locations (see flyer below for drop-off locations). Or...............
2. Join the Citrus Sunday team at various locations to pick fruit by
signing up in advance as a volunteer (with lunch provided!).
Information on how to participate and to sign up to volunteer with the
group can be found here:
Hope you'll be able to join in the Citrus Sunday effort,
John Bwarie Deputy District Director
Office of Councilmember Greig Smith
Chatsworth office: 818-701-5253
Northridge office: 818-756-8501
**Participate in Citrus Sunday on May 6th!**
(check out www.cd12.org for more information)