It may take years to identify this school, let alone the names of these San Fernando Valley students and teachers. Simply marked on the back of the photograph, "San Fernando Valley", Phyllis Hansen's discovery adds yet another piece in the amazing puzzle called history.
Thanks Phyllis for sharing this image with the Museum Community.
I loved this because it shows the children as they really came to school, probably fresh from their ranch duties, with their dogs. Many, girls included, are barefoot, yet every one of the young boys is wearing a cap of some sort. Using a loupe, I noticed that quite a number of the boys are wearing the same cap that has WINSOM BEST FLOUR printed on it. What appears to be the teachers are all clustered at the top.
The Winsom Best Flour clue may be very important. I need to attend a Cultural Heritage Commission meeting tomorrow about the Commonwealth Savings and Loan Building in North Hollywood.
There is an historical museum in the City of San Fernando. Perhaps someone could alert them about this photograph.
Thanks Jerry Fecht
another great photo, terrific
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