Eddie Kover's Bull Pen Restaurant was located at 14649 Ventura Boulevard in Sherman Oaks.
Menu of Kover's Bull Pen restaurant - loaned to The Museum of the San Fernando Valley by Gary Fredburg 2012. (click on image to enlarge it.)
What years was the restaurant located here? What did the location become after the restaurant?
My Dad worked there in the mid 50s where he met my Mother in 1957 and the story is well, storybook. She was roller skating by with a girlfriend and my Dad was the Pastry Chef and was creating these amazing Desserts called Chocolate Mousse Mountains... well my Mother caught sight of one of those and saw the handsome young Baker creating these beauties and had to have one and he gave her one with a smile and the rest is history ... he eventually opened his own Restaurants and Bakeries in Ventura County and now he is 89 years young and a true believer that hard work and dedication to something you enjoy doing can be the right ingredients for success. I sure love his stores about his days there with Eddie Kover and then Vegas, the Rat Pack,Liberace, Lucy, Desi and so many stars frequented The Restaurant and ordered his cakes to be delivered for parties and they would ask for my Dad specifically. I am on rhis planet because of Eddie Kover's Bullpen .
I love Cindy Hartman's story. Cindy (and anyone who reads this), I thought you'd like to know that there is a record album that came out in the early 1960's called Steve Allen's Funny Fone Calls. Steve Allen had a routine on his television program where he would call various people and businesses and make crank phone calls. One of the calls included in the album (two albums were released but the track entitled "Singer Wanted" is the one I'm referring about) was one in which he called Kover's Bull Pen. You may want to find it. It's a funny bit as are many on the album. Your Father would like it and may even remember when Steve called in 1963. You should be able to find the track online. Let me know if you find it.
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